
During week 43, it is the European Work Environment Week and together with our customer Vattenfall Eldistribution, we drew attention to the commitment today, October 26, by jointly implementing a 1-minute break for safety.

The purpose is to focus the spotlight on the importance of a good and safe working environment. Our staff is the most important thing we have in our business and therefore their health and safety are of the utmost importance to us. In order to prevent accidents and prevent ill health, it is important that we always focus on safety.

Break minute on our project in Barkarby in Stockholm..
The staff at the office in Gothenburg think about security!
Break minute on our project in Oskarshamn.
Break minute in Skutskär to think about safety.
Break minute in a construction shed to think about safety.
At our project in Gubbängen, everyone took a break to think about safety together.