

Work Environment, Health, and Safety

Our employees are our most valuable resource, and the single most important goal at our company is that everyone should feel well and return home unharmed after each working day. Operating in a high-risk industry makes systematic work environment management especially crucial. At Craftor, we aim for everyone to thrive, feel good, and fulfill their potential. There is a high level of engagement within the organization, and we genuinely care about each other. Trust is fundamental, and at Craftor, every employee holds a personal responsibility to create safe workplaces, work safely, and address deficiencies and incorrect behaviors in the surroundings. Safety first - always.

At Craftor, we prioritize the well-being of our team, ensuring that everyone returns home safely every day.

Our in-house experts focus on systematic work environment management, conducting thorough investigations, implementing effective measures, and providing ongoing monitoring and feedback to the organization. This proactive approach aims to prevent both health issues and accidents. The Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) unit plays a crucial role in supporting our operations and assisting projects, particularly during external audits. Our quarterly work environment days serve as forums to address current issues related to the work environment, fostering a collaborative effort to enhance our overall workplace conditions. All these initiatives are aligned with our objective of maintaining the industry's best work environment.

For more information

Contact me if you have any questions regarding Sustainability.



Emma Nolte
Sustainability Manager