Craftor är en elkraftentreprenör som projekterar, bygger och underhåller elnät – specialiserade på kraftanläggningar upp till 400 kV.
Oavsett om det är totalentreprenad eller mindre uppdrag har vi som mål att leverera den bästa tekniska lösningen på det mest effektiva och konkurrenskraftiga sättet – för bästa resultat. Sedan företaget grundades 1983 har det utvecklats från det lilla montageföretaget till en av Nordens ledande elkraftentreprenörer med över 200 medarbetare och några av de mest avancerade och specialiserade uppdragen inom området. Vi ingår sedan december 2020 i Eleda Group. Det ger oss en unik stabilitet och möjlighet till fortsatt utveckling – såväl för våra medarbetare som företaget – samtidigt som vi kan fortsätta behålla den unika känsla som format företaget sedan det grundades för 40 år sedan. Dessutom sker all verksamhet enligt våra kärnvärden för att tillhandahålla en säker och trygg arbetsplats med riktigt bra villkor.
Read more about Eleda here.
Our operations are categorized into Stations, Cables, and Distribution, each showcasing specialized expertise that positions them as industry leaders in their respective areas. While our headquarters are located in Sollentuna, Stockholm, we also have branches in Lund, Gothenburg, Trollhättan, Västberga (Stockholm), Alingsås, Gävle, Sundsvall, Sollefteå, and Umeå.
Our commitment extends beyond delivering top-notch, reliable, and competitive facilities and power grids. We also aspire to be a responsible member of society and a secure employer. Recognizing that our work significantly influences the communities around us, our ethical guidelines hold great importance at every level, from senior executives and employees to board members and all those representing Craftor.
Being part of Craftor entails sharing core values and beliefs.
Our values
We create opportunities
We believe in the strength, drive and will that exists in entrepreneurship. We encourage creativity and want every employee to feel free, take initiative and feel involved in our business. We see opportunities in the challenges we face.

We make a difference
We are deeply committed to our customers and each other. Ensuring that our promises are kept is paramount, fostering trust from both our customers and the community. This shared commitment cultivates a sense of belonging, strengthens mutual trust, and yields positive outcomes. Craftor goes beyond merely constructing infrastructure; our aim is to contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

We create success
Our collective expertise, coupled with our comprehensive perspective, forms the foundation of our company's competitiveness. We hold mutual respect, leverage our diversity, and prioritize each other's safety. Our team is our greatest asset, and providing a stimulating, developmental, and secure workplace for our staff every day is our top priority.

Our values are the cornerstones for us to constantly get a little better.