
Craftor has been commissioned by E.On Energy Distribution to equip Oskarshamn S transformer station.

The assignment includes replacing high-voltage appliances on 50- and 130kV switchgear, adding a new compartment for zero-point equipment, dimensioning of busbar rails and rebuilding an existing control building to establish a new control plant.

The station is located outside Oskarshamn in Kalmar County and is an important entry point to the city.

-Such tasks like this are complicated. It is important to plan the exchange of appliances carefully as we cannot have too long interruptions. This is something we can do and we are proud to have gained E.ON’s confidence in delivering the project, ”says Alexander Lundh, project manager at Craftor AB.

In addition to the main assignment, some temporary solutions are also included in order to be able to change the plant operation.

The assignment is a total contract with construction start Q1 2020 and is expected to be completed Q4 2021.

For further information, contact:

Alexander Lundh, project manager, (+46)72- 231 89 30