
In Vedum, we carry out two transformer replacements during the winter, setting up a new compartment and adapting the control room. Each transformer weighs approximately 18 tons.

The project is a framework agreement project at Vattenfall and the purpose is to give the station an increase in power so that you can meet the need for extra power supply in the area. The station is of an older nature and no major work has been done here for a long time.

The planning of the work began already in the spring of 2020, while the work itself gained momentum in mid-October. Today we have three fitters on site from Stationer SydVäst and it is expected to be ready in March 2021.

In this project, they have chosen not to do any total rebuilding, but they choose, among other things, to supplement with a used compartment. In addition, the transformer T2, which is now being replaced, will be reused in another station in the future. In this way, our customer saves both the environment and the economy, which is very good!