

Craftor sponsrar Hector ALS Challenge

I helgen går den årliga öppna tävlingen Hector ALS Challenge av stapeln i Kungsberget som Craftor är huvudsponsor för. Lördag 6 april samlas barn och vuxna för att utmana varandra i utförsåkning, allt för den goda saken. Alla är välkomna, vare sig man tävlar eller hejjar på och alla startavgifter går oavkortat till forskningen kring […]

Craftor AB och AIK Fotboll förlänger samarbetet!

AIK Fotboll och Craftor AB är överens om en förlängning av avtalet. Det nya avtalet sträcker sig fram till den 31 december 2025. Under säsongen 2023 fanns Craftor med som tröjsponsor för AIK:s representationslag – Craftor har i och med förlängningen valt att utöka sin exponering och kommer även synas till på ungdomslagens matchdräkter. – […]

Craftor sponsrar Barncancerfonden

Barn och cancer hör inte ihop. Varje dag drabbas ett barn i Sverige av cancer. Men det finns hopp. Tack vare forskning och effektivare behandlingsmetoder har utvecklingen gått framåt och idag överlever 85 procent. Men vi vill att alla barn som insjuknar i cancer ska överleva, och kunna leva ett gott och långt liv. För att […]

Craftor doubles revenue for ALS research

On April 1, it is time for the third year of the Hector ALS Challenge in Kungsberget, Sandviken. The charity event is initiated and instituted by Sara Hector in collaboration with Kungsbergets ski resort and Kungsbergets Alpina. The aim is to spread knowledge about the aggressive disease ALS and raise money for research. In 2015, […]

Eleda publishes its sustainability report for 2022

Eleda’s sustainability report for 2022 is now published, where you can read about the group’s common sustainability goals and the results of the sustainability work in 2022. Craftor is one of seven platform companies within the Eleda group and together we are a leader in infrastructure services in Sweden. ”At Craftor, we see sustainability as […]

Craftor sponsors Flexbert

We start the new year by once again sponsoring Flexbert. For us at Craftor, safety is the most important thing on the agenda. Our staff must get home safely from the workplace every day. We carry out various types of safety training on an ongoing basis, where our employees get to practice situations that can […]

Eleda is a partner of the Handball WC

We are proud that Eleda is a partner of the Swedish men’s national handball team, which is playing the WC starting today! The matches will be played in Sweden and Poland with the final on January 29th in Tele2 Arena. We wish the Swedish men’s national team the best of luck!

Craftor AB new main partner to AIK Football

AIK Fotboll agrees with Craftor AB on a cooperation agreement which extends from and including January 1, 2023 on 31 December 2023. The collaboration will, among other things, mean that Craftor will be exposed as a shirt sponsor and sit on the wings of the match shirt for AIK Fotbolls representation team. – It feels […]

We are proud child supporters

Craftor is proud to announce that this year we have contributed a Christmas gift to the Children’s Cancer Foundation. No child should have to fight cancer and the fight to make it a reality is based on research. HERE you can read more about the fund and how you can contribute.

Say hello to our intern Shahin Akbari!

Shahin is in his second year as a civil engineer at Nackademin, a course that has two LIA periods of 12 weeks each. We at Craftor are so happy that Shahin has chosen to intern with us for his first term. ”During my LIA, I have been involved in many different parts of the work, […]