In Fredrika, a small town in the southern part of Lapland (Västerbotten County), we currently have a construction contract. Our customer Vattenfall is currently building a wind farm and we will build an overhead line of approximately 29 km that will connect to the wind farm. The work is divided into two packages, of which we have received one and Vattenfall Service the other.
The work involves the construction of 161 post sites to be built between Kalvkullen and Fäboberget near Fredrika.
What distinguishes this project from other projects we have is that we will build 48 posts with composite posts, 7 truss posts and the remaining posts will be built with wooden posts. The reason for choosing to mix different sets of poles is mainly because in some places very long poles are needed that only composite poles are long enough to handle.
To reduce the impact on the environment in the form of driving injuries and to make the work more time-efficient, a helicopter will be taken in during three to four rounds to drive out poles and joists to the pole positions. In October, the helicopter was used for the first time. Otherwise, to cope with the occasionally tough terrain, excavators, six-wheelers and tracked vehicles are used to transport personnel and materials.